My experience working at Q9 PowerSports USA for the last 5 years

For the past 5 years I have worked at Q9 Powersports. Working here I have learned a lot about small engines and customer service. I started out in high school being a janitor for Q9, where my responsibilities were to make sure that our shop stayed clean and organized this included things like cleaning machines, floors and displays. I started learning about the machines from our website and hearing our salesman make their pitches and speaking of the features that each of the machines had to offer. From janitor I moved up to being a PowerSports machine assembler, where my main responsibility where to make sure that all the machines that came in to our dealership where properly and safely assembled in a timely fashion for the showroom floor. Working the assembly job on these machines has helped me learn a great deal on these machines. Having attention to detail is a very important aspect when putting these machines together, making sure all nuts and bolts on the machine are tight and inspecting for possible damage are very important parts to these being safe for people to ride.

After being an assembler for about 2 years I got a Salesmen position. Having never been in customer service job before this made me nervous, working on machines and dealing directly with people are to very different things. As time moved on and I dealt with more and more people, it got a lot easier over time and a large part of selling these units is knowing them inside and out, which I had a very good understanding of them from doing the assembly for so long. Most People that work here have moved up the same way that I have. At one point, or another, all the managers, salesmen and saleswomen at one point where assemblers. I believe this is a good way to train people because everyone that works there really knows the machines well which makes helping people much easier.

After being a salesman for about a year, I was looking for more of a daily challenge from just dealing with customers and taking sales orders, so I took an interest in the service center and started to learn service on these machines from the technicians. Service work and Technical support are a big thing to learn, having to explain to people how to make adjustments and diagnosing issues with machines was something that took some time. Performing the service on these units was fairly simple, once I knew what I was doing, there isn’t a whole lot of moving parts and I had great training from all the other technicians. Learning patience with difficult customers has been my greatest improvement that I take away from this position and use for my future careers.

Unfortunately , This letter has to come after a 2 week notice for leaving my position. Thanks to the communication skills I have gained and the business ethic that I have come to know, I have been hired for a career job with the federal government with major overtime opportunities. Although I will no longer be working f, the skills and experience I have gained throughout this job will help me further into my career. I will miss everyone I have worked with over the years and Wish everybody the best.

- Mitchell H.

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