When you know people are being disingenuous

When you know people are being disingenuous

When you know people are being disingenuous

Being able to identify when someone is being disingenuous is an important skill to have in both personal and professional relationships. When people are being disingenuous, they are not being honest or sincere, and their true intentions may be hidden. This can lead to misunderstandings, conflicts, and a breakdown of trust.

Here are a few signs that can help you identify when someone is being disingenuous:

  • Inconsistent body language: Pay attention to their body language. If their words don't match their facial expressions or gestures, they may be hiding something.
  • Contradictory statements: Listen carefully to what they say. If they frequently contradict themselves or say one thing but do another, it's a red flag.
  • Excessive flattery: Beware of excessive flattery or compliments. Disingenuous people often use flattery as a manipulation tactic.
  • Unwillingness to take responsibility: Notice if they consistently deflect blame or refuse to take responsibility for their actions. Disingenuous individuals often avoid accountability.
  • Overpromising and underdelivering: Watch out for people who make grand promises but consistently fail to follow through on their commitments. This inconsistency between their words and actions is a clear sign of disingenuous behavior.
  • Selective disclosure of information: Disingenuous individuals may withhold or manipulate information to serve their own interests. They may only share partial truths or conveniently omit important details to shape the narrative in their favor.
  • Changing stories: If someone frequently changes their story or revises past events to suit their needs, it indicates a lack of honesty and sincerity. Pay attention to inconsistencies in their narratives.
  • Lack of empathy: Disingenuous individuals often struggle to show genuine empathy towards others. They may feign concern or understanding but lack the emotional depth and sincerity that accompanies true empathy.

When someone is being disingenuous, it can be challenging to maintain healthy and authentic relationships. It is important to be aware of these signs and take appropriate action to protect yourself.

Now that you know some signs of disingenuous behavior, what can you do about it?

Trust your instincts: If something feels off or doesn't add up, trust your gut instinct. Your intuition can often pick up on subtle cues that something isn't right.

Ask direct questions: When you suspect someone is being disingenuous, ask direct questions to clarify their intentions. Pay attention to how they respond and if their answers align with their actions.

Observe patterns of behavior: Look for patterns in their behavior over time. Disingenuous people often have a consistent pattern of dishonesty or insincerity. By observing their behavior, you can gain a deeper understanding of their true intentions.

Set boundaries: Protect yourself by setting clear boundaries. Establishing boundaries can help prevent manipulation and maintain your own integrity. Be firm in communicating your expectations and hold others accountable for their actions.

Communicate openly: Foster an environment of open and honest communication. Encourage others to express their thoughts and feelings authentically, and be receptive to feedback. This can help create a culture of trust and sincerity.

Surround yourself with genuine people: Seek out relationships with people who value honesty and sincerity. Surrounding yourself with genuine individuals will help foster positive and trusting connections.


Being able to identify when people are being disingenuous is an important skill that can positively impact your personal and professional relationships. By recognizing the signs of disingenuous behavior and taking appropriate action, you can protect yourself from manipulation and build genuine connections based on trust and sincerity.

Remember, maintaining healthy relationships requires effort from both parties. Be mindful of your own behavior and strive to be honest and sincere in your interactions. By fostering a culture of authenticity and trust, you can create meaningful connections and avoid the pitfalls of disingenuous behavior.

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